My personal commitment to you

Topic: My personal commitment to you. - Rahul
Read time: 5min

Dear Human Era Explorer,

Thank you friends for supporting me in 12,023 HE!

I’d like to begin with a personal, thank you for supporting me on this new journey. Currently, my audience are my close friends, or people I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting in the last year. It has been a privilege for me to test the human era concept, so thank you for giving me the space to do so.

Collectively, we represent the following groups of people:

  • Philosophers

  • Climate professionals

  • Engineers

  • Designers

  • Educators

  • Medical professionals

  • Legal professionals

  • Entrepreneurs

I can’t help but to think about the wonderful mix of people we are. Our community is small, but filled with different skills and ideas. I've had an great pleasure to engage with most of you in deep and meaningful conversations since knowing you.

We are the community

Signing up here is more than just joining a list. It’s a big step towards a journey we’re taking together into our shared history. Thank you everyone who has already been sharing this. And when you tell your friends or colleagues about us and they join in, our community grows stronger.

The power of referrals is not to be underestimated. Your referrals are the bridges connecting curious minds who realise we are living in the human era after all, in the year 12,023. By allowing ourselves and people around us to think expansively, we are directly creating spaces around us to imagine bolder in the testing times of today.

I am now including the ability to share the newsletters to others. Each person you successfully invite, is recorded. This allows us to keep a track record of your support to our community.

I personally understand what it means to put your own name against something you believe in, despite what the world says.

I believe in a world of unity, where every human should live a dignified life.

I believe this small community feels that way.

Despite the world crumbling apart, we still believe that things should be a certain way. As if something in our hearts knows what is right. As we navigate our own internal monologues, the light of optimism in the depths imagines the possibilities that should be. 

Just to repeat, those possibilities can only be imagined by the part of us that believes in something.

My promise to you, is that when thinking more grand and bold I will be there with you. With me, you will never have to seek permission.

My toughest request to you, is believe in me, like I believe in the possibilities you have imagined.

Let’s hold this space together as a safe place for our community to grow stronger together. Then we apply ourselves in service to a greater world.

Let’s empower each other and remind people that we are indeed living in the human era of the year 12,023. As a token of my appreciation, I will be sending out Human Era merchandise to you. These will be the physical reminders of how we are the custodians of our shared history, and the creators of the future.

Here are a few samples of what is coming up!

A coffee mug to keep you going! A fantastic conversation starter.

For your note taking needs. Also another fantastic conversation starter.

Each item will be a physical reminder of the Human Era and our need to view history from a broader point of view.

We should always keep in mind that we stand on the shoulder of giants, our ancestors who embody the legacy of ~12000 years. As we stand at the frontier of time, let us remember what the human kind is capable of.

Marketplace coming soon!

As we expand on the Human Era, together we’ll be adding more items on our online shop. This is of course all optional, but it’s a nice gesture as a gift for others. You also give them the space to imagine possibilities of a greater tomorrow. Imagine when the whole of humanity thinks along these lines.

Great things will happen.

Joking aside (though I’m pretty serious 😉), I believe United Kingdom (London, Manchester, Edinburgh) will be a strategic location for me to physically come around and contribute to the cause. The merchandise shop will hopefully allow us to be physically present for talks and workshops and any other activity to further promote the Human Era.

Timeline (20 years until everyone is living in the Human Era)

So I’ve actually thought about this. If I received the unconceivable power of convincing 1 person per second, then that would take me roughly 8 billion seconds. 1 second for each person. It would take 200 years so that won’t work.

Instead I must rely on exponential networks. By end of this year, I’d like the community to be of ~400 people, and we would quadruple every year.

Let’s see how this goes, but mathematically this could then shorter then time from ~200 years to ~20 years.

Sounds like madness, but I see clarity here.

My contribution

One of the most important things for me is to nurture this community and movement. I look forward to you becoming a more active part of the community.

In our world that is crumbling apart, we have too much to loose. Let’s reshape our outlook together.

What is at stake my dear friends, is the greatest story of all time. The story of life.

From one pioneer to another,

Rahul, from the Human Era.
29th October, 12,023 HE